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Your next adventure is just one step away

Your next adventure is just one step away

For me and my husband it's been very important since the day that we met, that we both feel something clicks, or just "feels right" when we do things together.

It doesn't necessarily mean that it totally makes sense what we're doing, but it seems like the right thing to do for us. That's been my personal motto in life as a single woman, but when I met my husband and started a family with him this continued to be our mantra and sort of became our lifestyle.

Going with the flow, ESPECIALLY when it doesn't make sense, is our specialty!

This sounds very simple when you say it out loud, but when you decide to base every decision in your life on that philosophy, it becomes more tricky to be honest...

The fear of not knowing what's next becomes a very real thing in your life, because you start to compare all your options to the lives of others.

But who knows what's best for you in YOUR life?

Isn't that you?

Or do you believe other people around you know better?

Did you ever give up your own power to make a decision, because you believed someone else knew better than you?

I for sure did... many times actually...until I no longer felt the need to follow other people's wishes and started to just trust my own feelings.

Going with the flow just means you take a chance on yourself and decide to do something that makes you happy and which makes you feel good. Does that always need to make sense? Is it necessary to have everything planned out in detail before you decide something? Does that make you feel better? Safer? Stronger?

I've come to learn that the surprises in life are the ones where you get to show up the most for yourself and your loved ones, which make wonderful memories and make you feel alive.

The more I follow my flow and stop making sense out of everything, the better I enjoy life to be honest. But hey, that's just me, it doesn't mean this is a one-size-fits-all method for everyone, but I just see what it has brought me over the years and I can only share my experiences. 

The adventure is always only one step away from you, so why not give it a try?

What's next for you? 

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