Relax | Express | recharge
Dream Life Experience
Whether you’re single, in a relationship or with a family, this Dream Life Experience will give you exactly what you need in the moment to move forward in your life.
Ever wondered what you’re life would look like if there were no limitations whatsoever in what you could create for yourself?
Would you for example still be living in the same house where you are at the moment?
And what about your job or the company you work for?
Do you believe you would be in the same relationship you’re in right now?

A lot of these questions have really helped me over the years to define what I consider to be my dream life and what I believe is best for me. But then again, what is best for me, might not be best for you… This is one of the first things you need to understand when you start creating your dream life:
There is no one like you!
You are unique!
Yes, let that be very clear to you! There is no one like you!
Isn’t that beautiful?
That’s really one of the amazing things about life; we all get to live this unique experience where we get to figure out what works for us and what doesn’t work for us. What brings us joy and what drains us…
Lots of memories can be made with the people you love most, but you first need to figure out who you are and what kind of memories you would like to create…
The start of your dream life really consists of figuring out WHAT you want…
Sounds easy, right?
But we all know we struggle some days to understand why we do what we do and if we’re doing the right thing…
So, what can I do to help you?
That’s what I wanted to talk to you about…
There are several ways to discover what you really want in life and I can help you figure that out during the Dream Life Experience that I’ve created especially for the people struggling to find happiness within themselves and their lives. This experience consists of 3 steps:
We’ll go through these 3 steps together during a private session of 60 minutes to get really focused on what matters most to you in your life and to get clarity on which steps to take to create your dream life.
Via a special meditation and dream life exercise we will unfold whatever you need to know to get clear on the next step to take in creating the life you want.
For more information and to schedule your private session, please fill out this form or contact us via experience@estheribiza.com