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The journey that Ibiza has to offer

The journey that Ibiza has to offer

Dreaming of living on Ibiza is something I've heard repeatedly ever since I first stepped foot on this magical island back in 2011. The dream of giving up their job, house and all other responsabilities back in their home country, is something many people have shared with me over the years.

To actually take that step and make that dream a reality is something where most of the people I've met get stuck. Some worry about the different language they need to learn, others worry about the finances and more recently the search for accommodation has become a true journey for most people.

This fear of not knowing how to "make it work" on the island, is something that holds back many people from truly chasing their dream of living on the island. Sure, it might seem easier when you're single and without any real responsabilities back home, but even then it can be quite a journey to take that decision to move to Ibiza without anything set up before going.

When I first got here in 2011, I was single, had just quit my corporate job and had some savings, so I wasn't too worried about giving Ibiza a try. The second time around, this was a completely different story however. My husband and I ran into several struggles when we tried to come back to the island with our daughter, which taught me a completely new set of life lessons again.

The single journey I went on years ago and the more recent search with my own little family, has again showed me however the magic that Ibiza has to offer when you're working on making your dream life a reality. It's for sure an adventure that comes with challenges, but oh so wonderful to experience in life.

If you feel like sharing your personal journey on Ibiza with me, please join me for one of the rooftop sessions that I'm hosting this summer in Ibiza. To learn more about how to be selected for those sessions, please contact the Esther Ibiza Dream Team via

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