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Start living the dream

Ever felt stuck in life, but don’t know how and where to start to feel better again? Did you try talking to your friends and family, but somehow feel they don’t quite understand what you’re going through?

Believe me, I've been there....

For years I tried to distract myself with lots of things, people and activities to feel better in my skin again, to be happy with myself and to fully accept who I am.

However, this never seemed to last very long... Every time I thought I had found the perfect practice or tool to help me stay connected to who I am and really stick to what I believe in, I somehow lost my motivation after a while and got distracted again.

Until I read a book that changed my way of thinking, seeing and acting in the world. This book "A new Earth" written by the amazing Eckhart Tolle changed my perception of life and started to make me become more aware of my own behavior.

Slowly I started to pick up on the intuition that was guiding me through life and allowed myself to follow that flow. It was very scary at first to surrender to this guidance and not know what was going to be next, but over time I understood that this is exactly what life is all about.

We think we can control the outcome of things and always try to plan and organize ourselves in order to "get ahead", which actually only happens if you start to become more aware of what you're doing.

There are so many wonderful experiences that I've been given after this first encounter with "presence" as Eckhart Tolle describes it, which have been the foundation for my own method.

Over the years I've created my own lifestyle, which is founded upon writing and talking about my life experiences in order to heal myself and others. I strongly believe in the power of expressing and sharing your struggles with others as a healing tool. Sharing the issues I run into when dealing with challenges that life throws at me, has helped a lot of people I've met and who've read my book.

A lot of us tend to believe that it’s not ok to share how you really feel, or admit that you’re struggling with certain things in your life. We try to distract ourselves with either work, sports or other activities that hopefully will make that feeling go away…

Well, let me be very clear on this: you will only start to really feel better again once you admit that you need to change your behavior.

That is step 1... really get honest with yourself and admit that you need to change.

After that, you can start to look at HOW you want to change that behavior and who can help you with that, because we all need support from others along the way.

For this reason I decided to set up my own community "The Flamingo Family Home", where I share some of the lessons I've learnt in my own healing journey, as an inspiration for you to get focused on what matters most to you in your life.

The exclusive content that I only share via this community, includes:

  • Inspirational messages on how to start living your dream life
  • Tips & tricks on creating your own daily rituals 
  • Personal stories from my life with my husband and daughter while traveling the world
  • Special discounts for upcoming events

You can join this community via WhatsApp by clicking on the following link:

Or just send an email and receive the link to the WhatsApp Community in your inbox.

Hope to welcome you to our home very soon!

Lots of love,
