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Being completely head over heels in love

Being completely head over heels in love

Have you ever felt like someone who you just met somehow seemed like such a familiar person? As if you've known each other already all of your life?

To me that was something completely strange to experience the first time I met my husband 8 years ago. And on a side note; I was 36 years old at the time!

Some of you might have read my book, or know me personally and are aware of my previous selection of men, but for those who haven't: I always seemed to pick the ones that had a very messy past or were hiding some sort of secret...

The really small lies were sort of funny at first, but the moment I started to see what they were trying to hide, I somehow closed off from them emotionally and didn't allow myself to feel love at all. That was not something I was aware of in the beginning, but something I slowly started to discover when I went to Ibiza for the first time.

My selection of men was narrowing down very much from the moment I felt completely betrayed in my previous relationships, which is why I didn't feel like dating for years. I just wanted to feel happy and carefree with myself and didn't want to have any commitment to anyone else. As much as family and friends around me always tried to convince me to give some of the men that presented themselves a try, I wasn't interested in them. No-one seemed to be good enough for me to really commit again, until I met my husband...

Sometimes I feel like I was supposed to meet him earlier, but at the same time I wouldn't be the person I am today if I hadn't gone through all those toxic relationships before.

For those of you who are single and who are struggling to find the right partner in life; please enjoy this time to grow your love and to find the courage to stand up for what you believe in. This is so crucial in attracting the right partner to spend your time with in my opinion. There will be someone just like you who is ready to commit with the same values as you have, but you first need to figure out what those are.

The first step I took in my single journey to find true love was to TRUST...

Trust myself

Trust my beliefs

Trust my gut feeling and just let go of control...

Easy? Not really!

Worth it? Totally!

I mean, not everyone needs to have the same experience with men like I had, to actually find the right person to share their life with! It can be much easier I believe, when you start to understand who you are and what your values are.

That is a very personal journey which can take you some time, but what else in life, right?

I'm happy to share my experiences with you, so if you would want to work with me and start this journey together, I'm here for you whenever you feel you're ready!

True love is something I believe everyone can experience, so if you haven't felt this yet, I'm inviting you to a special workshop I am hosting on Ibiza. I'm sharing the details only via email, so if you're interested just contact us via  and we'll be in touch with you soon.

Hope to connect one day on Ibiza with you!




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