There has always been somewhere inside of me this idea of starting a business around senses; the ability to use your senses in life the way I believe everyone could benefit from them.
Back in 2013, when I first worked on setting up my own business on Ibiza, this was such a raw form and didn't really come to life because of my own fear. I was afraid to let go of control and do something that no-one would understand. This blocked me in developing my own idea into a business back then, but also gave me the space to really dive into this whole new world of my own senses.
I mean, we all get our 5 senses when we are born and we learn how to use them in daily situations:
- how to taste our food & drinks
- what sounds mean to us
- what everything and everyone around us looks like through our eyes
- how certain objects, materials and people feel by touching them
- the impact of certain smells
All of these different senses somehow make us react in a certain way, without really understanding our own behavior all of the time. The indirect effect that our senses can have on our daily behavior is something that has always interested me very much and in particular the differences between men and women in different cultures, backgrounds and life experiences.
It's amazing how many people actually decide to not follow their senses and go against them most of the time, because they were taught to do so at one point in their life. This seems like something so un-natural to me, but I need to admit that I did the same thing for years.
Whenever I sensed something was off, I didn't listen...
I would ignore those signals completely and just started to reason myself out of situations, instead of really leaning in to whatever I sensed at the time. To be fair, I didn't really understand the difference between my own reasoning and my intuition and was never aware of the impact it had on my whole wellbeing whenever I went against my own senses.
Today I am so grateful for all the things that I've learned over the years and all the "mistakes" that I made in understanding my senses and how I should use all of them. Now, this is something we all have, but somehow we don't really pay attention to them enough in my opinion.
There are countless of conversations I've had with people I met throughout my life, sharing their life stories with me and sharing how certain difficulties in their life were always dominating their behavior and they didn't do anything about it. They didn't take action upon the signs that they were receiving. Somewhere deep inside of them they also knew their life could be changed (fairly quickly) if they had only listened to their intuition. That gut feeling, that little voice inside that said they had to go the other way, but instead they didn't do that and ran into even bigger challenges.
To me it's amazing to work with people who want to do things differently, who understand that it's necessary to make certain changes in their lives to achieve a different outcome, but not everyone is ready to take action when it really comes down to it...
Most of us believe we know what we're doing, we don't need help and we certainly don't like change. We say we do, but the reality is, we don't...
It's way more comfortable to stay in the struggle than actually making changes to get out of it. To do so, we always believe we can do it by ourselves, but the truth is, we all need help sometimes. Off course, the actual change needs to be done by you, because only you know what's best for you and you know when and how you want to change, but we sometimes just need to feel that there's someone out there cheering you on and believes in you no matter what!
For me this has been my husband all this time! Without his love and support in the challenging moments of my life, I wouldn't be where I am today. I wouldn't be able to help others the way I do right now without being completely overwhelmed and exhausted. His unconditional love and support has been so magical, that I feel a huge sense of gratitude every day I get to spend time with him.
To be able to develop my own skills, my own strength and share those with the people who need it, is truly the biggest surprise from my relationship with my husband. There have been moments I really doubted myself and my commitment to this relationship, but I kept following my intuition and believing in my own power and worked very hard to get to where we are today.
Even though we sometimes seem lost in other people's eyes, our success as a couple comes from trusting the big unknown. The not knowing where our next step is going to take us, is our biggest challenge and our biggest achievement at the same time. The Great Unknown could be very scary if you don't follow your senses, but once you lean into them and allow the true wisdom to come through, the journey becomes a lot more enjoyable and worth it.
So what would be my advice for you if you're not really sure what to do next in life? I would tell you to hit the "PAUSE" button and to really take a moment to notice what your senses are showing you. I know it's nowadays very common to meditate, but I also know we're always worried about not having enough time to fit this in our daily schedule.
This is why I've created a special "Dream Day Timesheet" to help you get clear on what matters most to you and will help you take the first step to pause. It comes with a special exercise, which will give you clear instructions on how to work and get clarity for yourself about the next step you want to take in life.
My husband and I started using this dream day timesheet almost 2 years ago and it really opened our eyes! The magic really started to happen once we understood where we seemed to be "off track" or "not aligned" with ourselves and each other. The power comes with getting clarity on your life situation and from there you can take action and change all necessary things in your life.
Up until now, we've only shared this Dream Day Timesheet with some people very close to us, but starting today I am sharing this special exercise with more people in the community.
If you would like to receive this free tool to help you get "unstuck" in your life, please send an email to so that we can send you the Dream Day Timesheet and the instructions of the exercise.
Happy discovering!