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Dream life vs Real life

Dream life vs Real life

What do you feel your dream life should look like?

Have you ever wondered what you would change in your current situation?

Would you be in the same job or work for the same company where you're currently working?

Would you be in the relationship that you're in at the moment?

And what about your home? Would you still want to live where you live today?

These are just some questions that really helped me over the years to create the life of my dreams...

Asking myself those questions triggered a lot of discomfort inside myself and actually made me see that I wasn't really happy with the current situation I was in at the time. I knew there was something off, something didn't feel right for me, but I didn't really know WHAT EXACTLY and what I had to DO about it.

So it made me curious and helped me to start my own search for happiness in different areas of my life.

Not all at the same time off course! Because honestly, there's no way I could change every aspect of my life all in once, which is something I've tried for many years as well, until I finally understood that you can only change one thing at the time.

It requires a looooooooot of patience...

And a lot of belief in yourself and your dreams!

And you know what the best part of it is?

You get to create whatever you feel is right for you! Because only YOU know what's best for you!

So just be patient with yourself and allow those dreams to become a reality.

I know we've all got our dreams in life that we would like to turn into a reality, but it's only up to you to decide when you want to start working on it. There's really no specific time line you need to follow, because we all have busy lives and get distracted with lots of things, but when you feel the call to make a change, just go for it!

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1 comment

  • Rianne

    Thanks Esther! For this inspiring words <3

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