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"Mr./Mrs. Right" is just around the corner when you know what your values are

"Mr./Mrs. Right" is just around the corner when you know what your values are


My first relationships were pretty intense and definitely not really marriage material, (those of you who've read my book Issues & Tissues know the rocky path I've been on with some of my ex-boyfriends) but all of them did teach me things about myself and what matters to me in a life partner.

When I met my husband in 2016, my 'going with the flow' lifestyle turned out to be even more important to me than I could've ever imagined: my first glance at him at the Ibiza airport when I met him showed me what true love felt like and how important it is meeting someone with the same values. The first few minutes we spent together felt like we'd been in each others' lives already forever...

This recognition of yourself in the other was something I had never experienced before, nor met anyone before that triggered this feeling inside of me like my husband. Totally overwhelming and very comforting at the same time!

My most valuable lesson in life was to let go of past fears and worries from previous relationships and make myself available for this amazing connection. Which wasn't an easy task off course!

To really build a life together with your true love, doesn't mean it's always smooth sailing and you can escape the challenges, fights and difficulties in accepting each other completely. It really required a lot of work from both ends and a complete trust in that strong love we felt for each other from that first moment we met.

Our true belief in freedom shaped our lifestyle together as a couple and nowadays as a family. We travel like the flamingos; whenever we feel it's time to go, we go again and when it feels right to stay longer, we stay a bit longer. Just as simple as that!

Is this an easy lifestyle? Definitely not! Is it for everyone? I'm not sure it is, but give it a try if you feel like it! What I feel is most important in life is to stick to what you believe in and take action on those beliefs and values in your life. Finding a partner to share your life with is amazing, but most importantly it needs to feel like it is matching your basic needs and desires for yourself.

So my advice to people out there struggling to stay with their partner or trying to find a partner to start a life with: get very clear on what your values are and make sure you know what you both bring to the relationship. We all need love, but we don't need someone else to make us happy. We can only grow together when we know how to love, accept and take care of ourselves first.

Hope this serves anyone looking for Mr. / Mrs. Right out there this weekend!


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