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My Dream Life

My Dream Life

The moment I met my husband at the airport on Ibiza almost 8 years ago, I instantly knew my dream life was about to get started…

The tall, handsome French man that just walked into my life, because I swiped to the right on Tinder happened to be exactly what I had been wishing for. I didn’t even understand everything back then, but he was the one who made my dreams come true.

The years that I’d been living on Ibiza alone and in some relationships that were far from anyone’s dream to be honest, all of a sudden started to make sense. Just meeting this person that looked at life in a way that resonated with my lifestyle, my hopes and dreams for the future, made my heart sing…

I started to feel seen, heard and most importantly….LOVED! Just for who I was and not for something he wanted me to be. Just for Esther, the woman with a broken heart and quite some childhood traumas and relationship fears, which I wasn’t even aware of when I met him.

The journey we both went on ever since that particular winter day on Ibiza Airport has been quite a ride to be honest! It’s been a challenge to figure out how to live together, deal with our issues and still show love and respect for each other.

My dream life is definitely one that has been surprisingly fulfilling and challenging at the same time, but all these struggles have helped me somehow grow as a person and make it all worth it. This dream that started when I first met him is not something I could have ever imagined if I would, but it is exactly what I needed. I fell in love with myself, my husband and life as a whole, which to me is the biggest dream anyone could wish for.

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