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New beginnings

New beginnings

Sometimes you need to reset your whole life and start over again...

Or start a new chapter in your life as I prefer to call it.

This summer I've taken the time to detox digitally, mentally and emotionally, so that I could reflect on my life, my lifestyle and my dreams for the future. Now that we've entered into a new season, there's a chance to start over again and take action on what works and what doesn't work for me.

Being sensitive and with an international mindset, I have been looking for years to settle down in a place where I would feel at ease and where I feel I belong...

This search has really taken me all over the world and has even made me believe there was no place to call home for a very long time. I felt there was always something off, or something was just not clicking. It could be the weather, the culture or the infrastructure, whatever it was I wasn't feeling it.

Sometimes it took me weeks, months or even years to figure out that I was not supposed to stay there, but in the meantime I learnt so many wonderful life lessons about myself, that it was always exactly what I needed in that moment.

There never seemed to be a spot that could keep me interested for more than 7 years, but there was however always 1 place that felt like home and something always pulled me back to that same spot. It was such a magical feeling to drive around there and feel the freedom to be who you want to be and to do whatever you want to do, that it made me consider settling down.

But what does it look like to have a home base somewhere when you always feel at home everywhere and nowhere at the same time?

I saw myself traveling through life and meeting all these wonderful people who all seemed to be very sure about the place that they had picked to live.The fact that they felt they had to somehow make it work and accept that there were always things that could be improved was something I couldn't understand. I am a firm believer of chasing your dreams at all cost, so when something doesn't feel right (anymore) you move and change your situation.

This mindset has been my go-to lifestyle for more than 25 years now and has truly enriched me with so many wonderful life experiences, that I strongly feel that I'm supposed to travel through life like this. That being said, this is off course what my dream life looks like, but there is no way I believe everyone should do the same. In fact, I believe most people are supposed to get rooted and set up their life in one place so they can grow through the different stages of life.

Becoming aware of this reality for myself has been something I've been struggling with for a very long time, because I was never ready to admit that also my search for a home is something I'm supposed to do in life. I'm supposed to set up my home at different spots around the world, so that I can actually get a feeling of what it really means to live outside of your home country.

It really took me a long time to admit that The Netherlands for me is just not my home anymore... I left for the first time when I was only 17 years old and a lot has changed in the meantime...

Now that I've finally accepted that, I am ready to let go completely and start a new chapter!

Last week I celebrated my 44th birthday, which has always been a very special number to me (as all of my friends and family know), because it was the age that my father actually passed away... The hardest experience in my life to overcome, the most difficult event to digest, but also the most wonderful life lesson I've come to understand: Life is meant to be lived fully, every day!

It taught me all I needed to know in this life to feel fulfilled and at peace: it showed me the importance of gratitude, compassion, kindness, self love and self belief.

Those values are the most important values in life in my opinion and I feel it's my purpose to show others how to incorporate those into their life. If you feel you deserve a better life than the one you're actually living at the moment, then you need to be prepared to make some changes and do the hard work.

If you believe you deserve more money, more love, more happiness, better connections or in general just improve your wellbeing, then be prepared to ask for help and work on changing your current behavior.

It will take time, effort and energy to make the change, but you are worth it and I can assure you that it will pay off! There's no abundance without giving up certain things in your life, so get ready to clear out your issues and start creating your dream life.

All new beginnings require also some endings, so be prepared to let go and say goodbye to the things that no longer serve you in your life...

Happy Sunday and see you soon!


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