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Stretching our comfort zone as a family

Stretching our comfort zone as a family

In this changing world that we all live in at the moment, there’s only one thing that is very important in my opinion: being true to yourself and staying true to yourself!

If my struggle in life is something that is helpful for others to find comfort in the challenges they’re currently facing, I’m happy to help.

The steps in my book “Issues&Tissues” have been the strong foundation for my husband and I to become healthy and centered in our daily lives, which is one of the things I’m most grateful for to be honest.

My mental issues in life have been dominating my choices for such a long time and that has been very challenging to say the least. Being emotionally unstable in situations where I’ve been triggered to respond a certain way because this was how I was raised, has been quite a journey to become aware of.

My decisions in life have been based on whatever I was feeling in the moment, but somehow this was never accepted by the people surrounding me at the time. It felt right to me, but in the eyes of the people around me - family, friends and colleagues- there was always something I wasn’t doing correctly.

It made me doubt myself for so long that it started to affect my lifestyle and the way I was doing things. The help I received from so many strangers along the way to continue to believe in myself and to start trusting myself has been truly heartwarming.

To be able to help others in their difficult situations has been my inspiration to write my book and share whatever challenges I’ve had to overcome to get to where I am today.

My stories might serve you at some point in your life where you just need to be a friend who is able to listen so the other can feel seen and heard.

Stretching my comfort zone in sharing those stories has been very freeing to me and my family, which is why I’ve decided to start sharing our current struggles via email as well.

One of the things I’ve learnt since publishing my book, is the fact that not everyone is ready to hear what I have to say. If you’re curious about our current new adventure in a new city, become a member of the Esther Ibiza Community for free by signing up to the newsletter.

I’m very happy to welcome you via email and hopefully inspire you to stretch your own comfort zone in life just a little bit as well. Give it a try and discover the magic that happens once you do!

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